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Perfect Chaos Films started in 2015 in Austin TX, has grown every year and is fully insured. Doing a wide range of corporate video production from corporate culture videos to product videos to event videos to documentaries, everything has a focus on story.


Clients include Dell, the University of Texas at Austin, Square Root, Bridge360, Campus Advantage, Broaddus, Ihiji, AcademicWorks, Q2 and Fiat of Austin. Our association clients include Texas Builders Association, CLEAT, Texas Psychological Association, American College of Healthcare Executives, Greater Houston Builders Association, Texas Private Schools Association and Texas Propane Gas Association. You can see more work here.

We told their story.

Contact us and we'll tell your story. 




8115-B Ceberry Dr. Austin, TX 78759


Available Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM

Austin video production, Austin production company, Austin corporate videos, Austin video marketing, Austin corporate video production company

Michael Mason


Executive Producer


Michael Mason worked for a boutique literary agency in Beverly Hills as the first line of defense in the Hollywood development process, reading scripts and handling screenwriting clients.  He was an Account Executive for an ad agency/production house in Austin.  He also has experience in the sports reporting world and several years in the technology field.  Additionally, he is an experienced commercial actor.

Having grown up in Houston he’s a huge fan of the Texans, Rockets, Astros and an extremely proud Texas Longhorn Alum.  He loves spending time with his family, he ran a marathon once, he recognizes that movie quote you just said and cares way too much about his fantasy football team.


Austin video production, Austin production company, Austin corporate videos, Austin video marketing, Austin corporate video production company

Colin Mason


Chaotic Director


Colin spent months in an incubator environment  and has been excelling in a growth stage since launching his startup.


Colin enjoys a good ba-ba, changing channels on the remote control and spending time terrorizing his two best friends, shih tzus, Lily and Astro.  He has a love/hate relationship with naps and has never met a banana he didn’t like.





Austin video production, Austin production company, Austin corporate videos, Austin video marketing, Austin corporate video production company
Austin video production, Austin production company, Austin corporate videos, Austin video marketing, Austin corporate video production company




©2024 Perfect Chaos Films, LLC

All Rights Reserved


Austin video production, Austin production company, Austin corporate videos, Austin video marketing, Austin corporate video production company

Austin, TX Video Production Company

  • Austin video production
  • Austin video production
  • Austin production company
  • Austin corporate videos
  • Austin video marketing

Official video production Vendor

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